Express Finance Application

Do you give Olgar's Auto consent to utilize your personal information for future marketing purposes?
Do you give consent to Olgar's Auto to make enquiries about your credit record with Transunion and to obtain whatever information on you they might require to process the application?
Do you give consent to the Credit Provider to make enquiries about your credit record with any credit agency and to obtain whatever information on you they might require to process the application? Do you also give consent to the Credit Provider to share your payment behavior with any credit agency?
Do you express consent to the credit provider to request bank statements in respect of the bank account/s listed on the application form and process your personal information (as defined in the legislation) for the sole purpose of applying for vehicle/asset finance? Do you give consent to the credit provider to request your payslips in respect of the employment details on the application form and process your personal information (as defined in the legislation) for the sole purpose of applying for vehicle finance?